Use Cases > Cluster Planning > How to improve the running time of requests

How to improve the running time of requests

In the PTV xTerritory Server there are several options available to improve the running time of PTV xTerritory Server requests by adapting some profile parameters. By changing these parameters you can create your own profiles.

The improvements of the running time might cause a loss of quality of the results but you can adapt the relation between the running time and the quality to your needs.

Related Topics

The following topics might be relevant for this use case.



Defines (in percent) how close to the optimal solution value the solver should come before exiting an iteration. The smaller the value the better is the solution but at the cost of a higher running time.


The maximum time in seconds the solver may use to provide a solution. When this period is elapsed the best solution available will be returned. If the running time is too high, this parameter can be reduced.


The maximum number of iterations the solver may use to provide a solution.


The maximum number of starts the solver may use to provide a solution. For each start the maximum number of Iterations that is configured in this profile will be used.


The maximum number of samplings needed mainly in the case that the number of territories is being changed and it is required to choose some “territory centres” from a given list.



Check if the following prerequisites are fulfilled before you start with the use case.


Following profile parameters can be adapted to improve the running time:



This parameter has a default value of 2.0(%) distance of the estimated optimal solution. This value can be increased to the value of 10.0. Then the solver will stop when there is a distance of 10% between the solution value and the optimal solution value.

To reduce the running time, increase this value.

This parameter can only be adapted if the SolutionQuality is set to High.

This parameter is important for planning territories and distributing locations.


This value can be increased to give the solver more time for finding a solution or can be reduced if the request takes too long. The default value is 300(s).

This parameter is important for planning territories and distributing locations.

maximumNumberOfIterations and maximumNumberOfStarts

You can reduce the number of starts and the number of iterations that should be done at planning territories. For every start a start centre will be chosen and for this start centre the number of iterations will be computed.

For example with default values of 5 of maximumNumberOfIterations and maximumNumberOfStarts, 25 (5x5) iterations will be realised.

Recommendation: If you have 60,000 locations, then set both values to 3 and take the SolutionQuality Basic. In case of a quick response you can try it with SolutionQuality High.

By reducing these values the result could be less precise. But in general the first solution is quite well, so these values can be reduced generously.

These parameters are only important for planning territories.


The default value is 100. So the solver chooses the centres of the territories 100 times to find an optimal solution.

This parameter is only important for changing territories .